LLJ official website: llj.radiocaca.com
Add destructive abilities
- Dark Looki gains destructive abilities upon completion of their damage missions.
Enter the password on the note to unlock the corresponding destructive ability.
2. Dark Looki team activates destructive ability.
After completing the damage mission, click the damage button or press the Ctrl key to open the activation interface, then click the “open” button to activate the corresponding destructive ability.
3. Bright Looki team and neutral team complete the emergency task.
DID users can Sign-in once per day by logging in to the game, and they will receive rewards such as mystery box fragments and cards.
Mystery Box
100 mystery box fragments can be merged into 1 mystery box.
Opening the mystery box will randomly reward you with one cosmetic item.
Card slot
After obtaining a card, select the desired card in the backpack to equip it.
During the meeting, players can view each other’s cards.
Twitter sharing
You can share the game on Twitter while waiting, and other players can quickly join your room through the link.
After the game ends, you can share it on Twitter, and other players can join the game together through the link.
Added text chat function in the waiting room
You can chat via text while waiting for the game to start.