IMPORTANT: If you purchased RACA on PancakeSwap, you are already on the latest version of RACA (V2) — skip this article.
If you have purchased RACA on BakerySwap https://www.bakeryswap.org/ you want to migrate your RACA to V2 using our SWAP.
Q. Why do I need to migrate to the latest version of RACA (V2)?
The latest version of RACA eliminates 10% tax (better), provides better security (safer), and enables cross-chain voting (more advanced). Everything else is unchanged. By using our SWAP, you get all benefits of the latest version without any drawbacks.
Example Scenario below:
In the past, I bought 100,000 RACA tokens on BakerySwap. I realized I want to migrate my RACA tokens so I can get all the benefits of the latest version. I use radiocaca.com SWAP function and migrate a.k.a. “swap” my 100,000 RACA tokens for the latest version of RACA (V2). After the “Swap” operation is complete (it only takes a few minutes), I receive the same exact amount of 100,000 RACA, but now they are of the latest version (V2).
For step-by-step details (with screenshots) on how to Swap — please refer to the section “RACA V2 Swap” in the article here: https://radiocaca.medium.com/raca-v2-announcements-and-and-v2-manual-a29addf2a956
Q. Is there a deadline for migrating my RACA to the latest version?
No, you can do it whenever you choose to — at any time. However, we advise you to do it as soon as possible so you can enjoy all the benefits sooner.
RACA V2 Token Contract
Address: 0x12BB890508c125661E03b09EC06E404bc9289040