Lost World, Hall of Valhalla, and Valhalla Points

4 min readApr 16, 2022


The new Lost World updates will bring in exciting new game mechanics. Players will be able to form their own squads and participate in group battles, in addition to other new features such as training and earning achievements.

Valhalla Points

At the Hall of Valhalla, Valhalla points can be used to redeem exclusive rewards that are not obtainable from Metamon Eggs, such as R building materials, NFTs, and priority 2DM advantages.

Valhalla Point Acquisition Table

Victory Reward: +5 Valhalla Points
Survival Reward: +1 Valhalla Point
Failure Encouragement(s): +1 Valhalla Point
Bye Seeding Round Bonus: +5 Valhalla Points

Health Index

The Health Index (HI) is a new mechanism in Metamon Island and Lost World. HI is capped at 100. A Metamon loses 1 HI for every 5 failed attacks. While a Metamon’s HI is 0, the Metamon will become inactive and unable to join any battle. HI can be restored by using the Anti-Fatigue potion, which is obtainable from points redemption in the Lost World or created by mixing green potions.

Actual Fragment Drops = Health Index % x Normal Fragment Drops.

Battle Flags

Battle Flags allow players to form a squad in the Lost World. As symbols of heritage and honor, Battle Flags is a medium where victories and losses are recorded. In addition, Battle Flags are required for the ladder. The total ranking prize pool for Q2 is tentatively set to be 4 billion u-RACA (or equivalent value). The official set of rules will be announced simultaneously with the launch of the new Lost World.


Green Potion: Now mixing multiple green potions has the chance to create an anti-fatigue potion: Mixing 2 green potions has 30% chance to create an anti-fatigue potion, 3 50% chance, and 4 75% chance.

Green potions’ attribute enhancement function remains unchanged. However, using multiple green potions at the same time increases the success rate. For every additional green potion, the success rate is increased by 10%.

After the Valhalla Points redemption is live, green potions will no longer work on Metamon whose scores are higher than 380.

There are new types of potions to be introduced in the game.

Purple Potion: To enhance Metamon whose scores are higher than 380, players need to use the purple potion instead. Purple potions are applicable to all Metamon. A Metamon cannot use the purple potion more than 5 times a day. 70% chance to increase one Attr and 5% chance to increase two Attr. Purple potions will be tradable.

Metamon with higher rarity will have to consume more potions to increase Attr.

Anti-Fatigue Potion: Each anti-fatigue potion restores 10 health index points.

Stimulant: Stimulants can temporarily boost Metamon attributes in the Lost World. An N stimulant gives 10% attribute boost, an R 20%, and an SR 30%, for 7 days, which is the entire duration of a battle. A Metamon can only use 1 stimulant per battle.

Battle Fees

Currently, Lost World is in its promotional period. As a benefit for being early adopters, players do not pay any fee to the game.

After the new self-organized team patch goes live, the game will start charging fees. The fees are on a per Metamon per battle (7 days) basis:

Self-organized team: 2000 u-RACA

Automatically generated team: 1400 u-RACA

Custom Battle Flag Designs

We are now collecting Battle Flag designs from the community. In order to be accepted, the submitted designs must meet the following specifications:

  • Size: 750*1320px
  • Format: PNG
  • Space: Unlimited
  • Resolution: 72dpi
  • No Background

Please send your designs to team@radiocaca.com

Redeem Rewards of Valhalla Points

Players will be able to redeem their Valhalla Points for various reward items:

Space Ticket: 20 Valhalla Points. Limited to 1,000 tickets per day. A Metamon can consume one Space Ticket to teleport back to Metamon Island to earn eggs. However, when the EXP value increases to 395 (full EXP for Lv60), players need to use a green potion to reset to 0 and then continue to battle.

Space Tickets are tradable. The quota refreshes at UTC 00:00 AM and UTC 12:00 PM.

N Battle Flag: 10,000 Valhalla Points. Limited to 500 ever total supply. The N Battle Flag gives a 1% Valhalla Points reward boost to the flag owner. The quota refreshes at UTC 00:00.

R Battle Flag: There is a chance to claim the R Battle Flag when the N Battle Flag reaches 100 wins. The total supply of R Battle Flags is limited to 100. The R Battle Flag gives a 2% Valhalla Points reward boost to the flag owner.

Purple Potion: 4 Valhalla Points. A player’s quota of the purple potion redemption is the same as the number of his level 60 Metamon. The quota refreshes at UTC 00:00 and does not roll over.

Anti-Fatigue Potion: 4 Valhalla Points.


N Stimulant: 10 Valhalla Points. Limited to 5,000 per day.

R Stimulant: 20 Valhalla Points. Limited to 500 per day.

SR Stimulant: 30 Valhalla Points. Limited to 50 per day.

The quota refreshes at UTC 00:00 AM and UTC 12:00 PM.

Metamon PFP: TBD.

Hall of Valhalla Auction: Occasionally, there will be pop-up Hall of Valhalla auctions where players have the opportunity to trade their Valhalla Points for seasonal high rarity items through auctions.



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