USM.World ($RACA) opens the first University Hall in the metaverse

3 min readAug 12, 2022

-- ($RACA) is proud to announce the launch of University Hall, the first space in the metaverse dedicated exclusively to academic research and aimed at promoting science and knowledge, uniting research in the physical world with research and development in the metaverse.

The University Hall will be opened this Friday, 12, at Kiss State (Land ID: 393332). The new space in the metaverse is already born with a partnership with the largest public university in Latin America Universidade de São Paulo (USP) and 30 other universities.

This is the first space dedicated to universities in a metaverse. Here they can explore the full potential of the metaverse and Web 3 and conduct research into different fields of science and human knowledge that can help transform society. In addition, they can meet with other researchers from anywhere in the world and share knowledge without physical limits.

According to USP, the institution plans to carry out research in the metaverse in different areas and highlights for example research in the areas of education and psychology that can assess learning and behavior in classes and interactions carried out in this environment.

“It is a very interesting opportunity for any USP researcher interested in the “Metaverse” theme to carry out their research using such a platform”, said USP professor Marcos A. Simplicio Jr.

Blockchain has opened the door to smart contracts paving the way for the metaverse, Web 3, and for the community to take back control of their data, assets, and possessions. Technology will be multichain and multilateral and will no longer be dominated by centralized companies that control the data and dictate the rules on what can and cannot be done.

We are designed to build relationships through study groups, parties, presentations, and meetings, among many other interactions that empower freedom and social transformation. In addition to celebrities, scientists, and Olympic medalists, we have partnered with societies from some of the largest universities in the world:

Cambridge University

University of Southern California

The University of Texas at Austin

University of California San Diego

University of California Irvine

Istanbul Technical University,

LBL (The London School of Economics and Political Science + University College London + Imperial College London)

Middle East Technical University (METU)

Bilkent University, University of Hong Kong

Silpakorn University (ICT)

Rangsit University (DIT)

King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi (DDCT KMUTT)

Princeton Blockchain Society

Kasetsart University (KU Blockchain Society | KUBS)

University of Nigeria

National Institute of Technology + India Institutes of Technology

Hacettepe University

Purdue University

Çankaya University

Arizona State University

Dhurakij Pundit University (ANT DPU)

Uludag University

University of Benin

Thammasat University (TU Blockchain Community | TUBC)

Nnamdi Azikiwe University

Galatasaray Üniversitesi

Sabancı University, Join us in this new revolution.



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